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The purpose of this web site is to inform you of the dangers of drunk driving for those of you who think it's just some game. Well let me tell you It's not!!
Drunk Driving and what it did to me.......
Not longer than 1 year and 2mo ago my brother was killed in a alcohol related accedent in the city of Coon Rapids. He died on April 4 1998 2 days after my sister Chelsey's Birthday and 2 weeks before my Birthday. My Brother Travis was in the passangers seat of a 74 grand prix and in the drivers seat was Mitch Erickson and in the back seat was Trevor Kirth. The driver was drunk with a .14 alcohol level he was the only one drunk but they all were high off pot and at the time of the accident they were inhailing laughing gas.
All about my Brother.
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